Feeling Sad ? Feeling sad and don’t know why?
If you are worried that you might be going mad because you are feeling sad for no reason then please rest assured that you are not alone in this. It is a very common problem and there is no need to feel ashamed.
Feeling sad for no reason can be worrying and even frightening particularly if you have been living happily and carefree for as long as you can remember. It can feel really alarming then when your tears suddenly start to flow whilst you are on the tube heading into work. You might get up in the morning and whilst sipping your latte get this sinking feeling all over your body which culminates in your chest. You take a deep breath before you let go and your eyes well up. It feels like you are caving in on yourself. You feel powerless and defeated.
Can’t stop feeling sad for no reason? Wondering how to get over feeling sad?
Hi! My name is Flavio Cernotta. I am a fully qualified and BACP registered therapist . I have experience working with both men and women who feel sad and/or lonely for no apparent reason. I draw on a range of approaches to help you self-sooth and make sense of your sadness. Working together we can explore and implement the changes you need to make so you can feel happy again.
The First Step to Wellbeing
If you think you have an issue you would like to talk about then please contact me with a brief
description of the problem. The first conversation is FREE OF CHARGE
Why feeling sad for no reason
You might have tried working out what it is that is causing you to cry unexpectedly but you simply can’t put your finger on it. Any explanation you come up with doesn’t make sense and none of the issues highlighted by your best friend help you shed light on the despair that has descended on you. It might be that you can remember when it all started but the time, place and events at the time offer no clue as to to state of endless misery that has taken over your life.
Chances are that there is not just one reason why you are feeling sad. You have probably had so much going on recently that you have lost sight of how this sadness has come about. It can feel like you are trapped in a maze. The way out might not even be far off but you just can’t seem to find it. Many clients who usually feel sad with no reason also report feeling trapped. Sometimes that can lead to an explosion of anger, which can be surprising and frightening especially when you are known to be a calm, serene and collected person.
The most frightening thing about feeling sad for no reason is the powerlessness to confront the sadness and over come it. As there is no (apparent) reason you may find it impossible to work out a solution so the sense of helplessness grows stronger, which in turn increases the sadness.
How to stop feeling sad for no reason – Cure for sadness
So what to do when feeling sad for no reason is pushing you to the edge? You have probably tried all the possible remedies available on the internet and if you are reading this it is quite possible that those techniques only give you some relief and that you just cant’ stop feeling sad. In this case having a quiet and confidential space with someone who can give you their undivided attention can help you gain clarity. You may have several friends who are already helping you but speaking to someone who is on the outside and impartial can help you gain the perspective you need to trace the origin of your sadness and make changes to regain your serenity.
Wondering how to stop feeling sad? Feeling sad for no reason?
My name is Flavio Cernotta. I am a fully qualified and BACP registered therapist . I have experience working with both men and women who feel sad and/or lonely for no apparent reason. I draw on a range of approaches to help you self-sooth and make sense of your sadness. Working together we can explore and implement the changes you need to make so you can feel happy again.
The First Step to Wellbeing
If you think you have an issue you would like to talk about then please contact me with a brief description of the problem. The first conversation is FREE OF CHARGE
Feeling sad – FAQ
This section is being updated regularly so if you can’t find an answer to your question the please get in touch using one of the many forms on this page.
Is feeling sad for no reason normal?
Feeling sad for no reason is a normal state of being which many people experience. Google searches show that nearly 500 hundred people each month look up “feeling sad for no reason” in the UK alone.
Can’t help feeling sad? Can’t stop feeling sad and crying?
My name is Flavio Cernotta. I am a fully qualified and BACP registered therapist . I have experience working with both men and women who feel sad and/or lonely for no apparent reason. I draw on a range of approaches to help you self-sooth and make sense of your sadness. Working together we can explore and implement the changes you need to make so you can feel happy again.
The First Step to Wellbeing
If you think you have an issue you would like to talk about then please contact me with a brief description of the problem. The first conversation is FREE OF CHARGE