How do I start?
Phone or email me to arrange a free initial conversation. After that, if it feels right, book a once off, no obligation session. This is the best way to decide if you like me, feel you can trust me and want to continue, and you only have to commit to one fee. We can discuss your needs, frequency of sessions and terms then.
How long will therapy take?
It depends on the reason you are coming. A specific problem may be resolved in six to twelve sessions. Some people find the sessions a worthwhile addition to the quality of their lives and carry on even after the initial problem has been tackled. In my practice the average length of time people stay is approximately one year, some people come for much more, some for a little less.
How much will it cost?
Fees are agreed on an individual basis and usually range from £65 to £105. Reduction for block bookings are available but these change from time to time. Please enquire about this when you first contact me. Sessions usually last 50 minutes.
Is it confidential?
Absolutely. Counsellors know the value of confidentiality because, unlike some professions, they have to go through the process that they are offering themselves before, and as part of, their training.
How often should I come?
Not less than weekly to start with. Anything less tends to turn into a chat, particularly in the early stages. I usually see the fastest progress in people attending twice a week. However everyone’s journey is unique and many clients who attend weekly make good progress.
When can I come?
Appointments are available in the daytime and evenings. Weekend appointments are subject to availability. Ideally we will agree to meet the same time, on the same day, on a weekly basis.
What happens if I need to cancel, reschedule/postpone an appointment?
If you need to cancel, reschedule or postpone a session I need 72hrs notice. If I receive less notice than this, I charge the full fee. This cancellation policy is not in place for financial gain. Instead it allows me to plan ahead and maintain a stable practice for all my clients.
What does Hylem mean?
Hylem (pronounced /ˈiːlɛm/) is the ancient Latin word for Ylem, the primordial matter of the universe. I have named my practice Hylem as a way of reflecting my interest in working with the collective, as well as the personal, unconscious.
Jung believed that in addition to our immediate, personal consciousness, there is a second layer: the collective or universal consciousness. The latter is of an impersonal nature and is identical in all individuals. It can be thought of as the matrix, or the soul of all humanity, which contains the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the early days of mankind.
Clients can find it very healing and freeing to look beyond the personal consciousness and connect with the collective unconscious by exploring images, symbols, tales and dreams.